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Nasa Voyager Golden Record The Sounds Of Earth


Voyager Golden Records: Sounds of Earth and Eclectic Music

What are the Voyager Golden Records?

The Voyager Golden Records are two identical phonograph records that were included aboard the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft. They contain a collection of sounds, images, and music that represent the diversity of life and culture on Earth.

What Sounds of Earth are on the Records?

The following is a listing of sounds electronically placed onboard the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft: * Greetings in 55 different languages * Natural sounds such as wind, thunder, and surf * Animal sounds such as birds, whales, and elephants * Human sounds such as laughter, crying, and heartbeat * Musical instruments from around the world

What Music is on the Records?

Following the section on the sounds of Earth, there is an eclectic 90-minute selection of music that includes both traditional and contemporary pieces. The music was selected by a committee of experts and represents a wide range of cultures and genres.

Why Were the Records Included on the Voyager Spacecraft?

The Voyager Golden Records were intended to be a message from Earth to any extraterrestrial life that might encounter the spacecraft. The records are a testament to the diversity and beauty of life on our planet, and they serve as a reminder that we are not alone in the universe.

